What is CBG vs CBD? Learn about CBG, CBD, CBGA, THC, Terpenes and more.

What is CBG vs CBD?

What is CBG vs CBD? What about CBGA? We’ll look at the differences between CBD vs CBG and also see how they both promote calm and balance. Please scroll down for information on how they work and the key differences between CBG vs CBD vs CBGA.

CBGA – The Mother Of All Cannabinoids

Before looking into what is CBG vs CBD, let’s first understand where they come from.

CBGA (cannabigerolic acid) is often referred to as the “mother of all cannabinoids” because CBGA is formed in hemp and cannabis plants before being converted into other cannabinoids. This means that unlike CBG vs CBD, CBGA and also CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) are acidic precursors.

CBGA and CBDA support wellness and may relieve soreness after exercise.

Both CBGA and CBDA must be taken without heating them up. If  they are smoked, vaped or heated in any way, they convert into CBG and CBD respectively.

We offer this CBGA + Hawaiian CBD + CBDA Tincture and a pure CBDA Oil.

What is CBG vs CBD?

CBG (cannabigerol) may help with occasional soreness and discomfort after exercise. It may also help people deal with everyday stressors. We offer a pure CBG Oil tincture.

CBD – Calm, Balance, Entourage Effect

CBD (cannabidiol) is found in great abundance in hemp plants and is the best known non-psychoactive compound for calm and balance. As we look at what is CBG vs CBD, we can also consider taking both CBG and CBD. In fact, we always recommend combining rare cannabinoids with a full or broad spectrum CBD oil for the entourage effect. This is a phenomenon whereby the unique cannabinoids and terpenes found in a rich, full spectrum oil each create a greater effect when combined than the sum of their individual parts. We pre-combine CBD and CBG in our CBG CBD Oil tincture and also in our extra strength CBG Gummies.

Cannabinoid Quiz

Have you tried our new one-minute Cannabinoid Finder Quiz yet? It’s designed to help you find the right cannabis / hemp compounds to suit you.

Plus, have you claimed your free THC Mood Gummies yet? Forgot the coupon code? Take our quiz and you’ll see it along with your results.

In addition to CBG vs CBD and CBGA, would you like to find out about more cannabinoids. Take the Quiz as many times as you like to find the perfect cannabinoids for morning, your work day, exercise time, relaxing and more!

Summary of “What is CBG vs CBD?”

If you liked learning about what is CBG vs CBD, please take a look at all of our blogs to find out more about other cannabinoids, including CBN, THCV and many more.